Friday, February 10, 2012

Book Two

As I start up the big hill on the roller coaster of writing a first draft, I am filled with that initial excitement (it's my favorite part of the process) but also have a sense of trepidation about what I've come across as an idea. Will it be good? It's what I'm sure anyone in a creative situation faces, but for me it's probably a little more so, because I prefer to start with an idea and develop it as I go. In the NaNoWriMo world, someone who writes this way is called a "pantser": one who writes by the seat of their pants. I will, as I did for Latent Image, come out the other end much like you might on that final approach to the station on that coaster...exhilarated, heart pumping, a little bumped around, and glad you didn't die along the way.

On a more businessy note, I managed to sell (for money this time) 40 more copies of LI on Amazon! Yay! It's number 45 on Ghost Fiction, which is awesome. Thanks to everyone.

Talk to you later...I'm about to fly down that first hill...


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